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Diet Care / Body Sculpture
Opus 8 Week Body Care Diet Program
Points of Opus Body Sculpture Diet Program
Points of the Opus Body Sculpting Diet Program

Why did so many people choose Opus?
Why do so many people choose Opus?

Opus Body Injection
Treatment of desired area with fat dissolving injections made of Opus's safe drug

Ulfit 1000 shots
Ulfit 1000 shots 1 part
Get immediate results with the treatment!

Drug treatment
After the procedure, a customized medication prescription is given.
More effective body management
Angel Fit Comparison
Angel Fit Comparison

General fat dissolving injection treatment
Angel Fit Treatment Areas and Principles
Treatment area and principle

At Opus Clinic, you can select only the parts you want.
Effective with body injection treatment, Ulfit 1000 shots, and medication prescription
Creates a body slimming effect

Opus 8-week body care program target
Body and fat
Everyone is worried
fast diet
For those who want the effect
With simple procedures and treatments
For those who want the effect
Only partly effective
People who want to diet
As a local injection procedure,
Those who did not see the effect
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